Events Schedule

Combined Level II Heterologous MAP

It is used when the female partner is over 45 years of age or, if younger, not capable of producing oocytes of an adequate number and quality (for example in cases of ovarian exhaustion or early menopause). The female partner is administered estrogen-progestin therapy until optimal development of the endometrium (the internal lining of the...

Events Schedule

Level II Heterologous MAP (with donor sperm)

It is used in cases of absence of spermatozoa and in the presence of a partner with good ovarian function, but with alterations of the fallopian tubes, age over 40 years or repeated failures of level I heterologous MAP. The technique is similar to level II homologous MAP, but donor sperm are used to fertilize...

Events Schedule

Level I Heterologous MAP (with donor sperm)

It is used in cases of absence of sperm, but in the presence of a partner with good ovarian function and patency of the fallopian tubes. The technique is similar to Level I homologous MAP but donor sperm are used for insemination.

Events Schedule

Fertility preservation

Both sperm and oocytes can be frozen and stored for prolonged periods (even many years). Once thawed, these gametes are used for ART procedures aimed at conception and pregnancy. These procedures can be used if treatments (for example oncology) that are potentially harmful to the reproductive function need to be carried out and, if you...

Events Schedule

Preimplantation Genetic Test (PGT) of the embryo

Through a biopsy it is possible to obtain some cells from the embryos (blastocysts) which can be analyzed to evaluate their genetic characteristics. PGT-A (PGT for aneuploidies) is the most commonly used procedure and allows you to verify the presence of the correct number of chromosomes in the embryo. Any alterations (aneuploidy) are associated with...

Events Schedule

Testicular sperm sampling

In case of azoospermia (absence of sperm in the ejaculate), with a particular surgical procedure, it is possible to search for and extract sperm directly from the testicle. These spermatozoa can then be used for a Level II MAP. However, it is not always possible to find testicular sperm; the quality of these gametes, as...

Events Schedule

Level II Homologous MAP

Second level homologous MAP is indicated in cases of sterility due to alterations of the fallopian tubes, age of the female partner over 40 years, serious alterations in the quality of the seminal fluid, repeated failures of first level homologous MAP. It consists of intense hormonal stimulation of the ovary (lasting 10-14 days), followed by...

Events Schedule

Level I Homologous MAP

First level homologous MAP is indicated in cases of unexplained sterility or in the presence of minor alterations in the quality of the seminal fluid. It consists of a mild hormonal stimulation of the ovary lasting approximately two weeks, followed by intrauterine insemination of the partner’s sperm, appropriately prepared. Preliminary verification of tubal patency is...

Events Schedule

Medically Assisted Procreation (MAP)

PMA includes various techniques for the treatment of infertility, to be used after carrying out appropriate tests to identify the source of the problem.

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