Induzione dell'Ovulazione

Induction of Ovulation

Ovarian stimulation represents the preparation process for First and Second Level Assisted Procreation treatments. It consists in the administration of a therapy which has the function of stimulating the production of oocytes.

This set of procedures is used to:

  • stimulate the maturation of ovarian follicles and ovulation in patients with absent or very irregular menstrual cycles;
  • optimize and precisely program ovulation in the case of first level PMA;
  • induce the maturation of multiple ovarian follicles in cases of second level PMA.

These results are obtained with the subcutaneous administration, for approximately two weeks, of drugs containing follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), alone or in combination with other hormones (LH and/or hCG). In second level PMA, other hormones called gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogues are also associated which prevent premature ovulation of the follicles which would force the suspension of treatment.

Once upon a time, a very significant problem in these treatments was the development of the so-called Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS). However, the new pharmacological protocols we use allow us to completely eliminate the risk of OHSS and at the same time obtain a high number of excellent quality oocytes.

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